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Re: Botting

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 10:46 pm
by GregoryGHarding
the way the pool works, is it divvies up the miners in the pool, and applies workers to coins of varying difficulty, lower difficulty coins get the small has miners, while more difficult coins get the bigger miners, like us with our l3+'s. the pool keeps track of all coins difficulty and last block solved time, and keeps block times as close to target times for each coin as possible, this maximizes the pools profit by keeping the coins difficulty in the correct place for that coin. if a high hash miner starts mining the coins of top profitability, which are the coins you said never get selected.. what hes going to do is raise the difficulty of those coins because hes solving blocks way faster than target, so difficulty of the coin goes up to counteract the fast block solves. now.. because difficulty of the coin goes up, the profitability of the coin goes down.. this is due to the amount of hash power that needs to be applied to the coin and not placed elsewhere on other coins.. the system trys to balance the block times so the pool stays most profitable, but you you static mine a coin of low diffiuclty, you dont make any benefit to yourself, but you lower the profitability by raising the difficulty on those coins that would still be applied hash from the smaller miners, to maintain the correct target block time.

Re: Botting

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 12:31 am
by AppleMiner
so IF static mining a coin, not on solo, is of no benefit to the person mining the coin.
And there is no way to static mine a coin or a set of coins and make a higher profit than the auto switcher while being in the pool.
And you are saying it actually sabotages the profits for the pool itself as a result,

Then why is setting a static coin on the auto pool even allowed?
It seems there have been patch fixes and corrections for 2 weeks now dealing with static coins and miners.

If no one has any reason why they should be kept at all, I make more profit, would be great, or any good reason.
But if no one is stepping up to claim they can currently make more on static than autopool mining when not going solo, when why is that even still a thing?

Re: Botting

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 12:55 pm
by GregoryGHarding
it wont be disabled because they want people to decide what they want to do, some people may have other reasons for static mining a coin other than profit related.

as it stands since the fixes theres no benefit to static mining profit wise, if someone wishes to static mine, thats their choice but they wont make profit over autoswitching. this wasnt always the case. you could mine static top coins and make much more than auto, but its been patched. maybe the botters mining top coins dont realise this yet.. but yes, it lowers the coins value, which lowers the pools profit as a whole.

Re: Botting

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 1:50 pm
by Steve Sokolowski
I just wanted to write here that a lot of people submit tickets about this. Bots don't significantly affect profit for dynamic miners, even if they are intentionally trying to do so.

The coins these users are mining are extremely thinly traded. They are almost all keeping the coins, because if they didn't, then the markets would crash.

Because we sell most of them, we can only mine coins until all buy orders on the coin would be exhausted. Static coin miners can mine as many blocks as they want, but more blocks does not equal more money. Their goal is to gain as many coins as possible in the hopes the markets appreciate or gain liquidity in the future. They aren't taking any money from dynamic miners, because we are limited by the number of coins we can sell, not by the difficulty of the networks.