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Changes to WAMP to improve performance

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 8:31 pm
by Steve Sokolowski
Chris made some changes to WAMP to improve performance today.

The WAMP performance issue had escaped our notice because bandwidth was less expensive before the DoS protections were implemented. Almost 60Mbps of WAMP data was being sent, but most of it was to a few IP addresses. We didn't think it was fair for a few people to degrade the performance of everyone else so significantly, so we are making a few changes that we estimate will reduce data transmission by about 95%.
  • We will send out "diffs" instead of repeating all the data in some cases. This change won't affect API implementations, but will cut out repetitive data that doesn't change very often.
  • We limited the maximum number of connections to the WAMP server from each IP address. Remember, pressing F5 20 times causes the system to respond slower, not faster.
  • We limited the bandwidth available to the WAMP server from each IP address, to account for malfunctioning bots that make too many subscriptions and calls.
We've already been able to reduce WAMP bandwidth usage significantly and performance should improve as Chris makes the final adjustments later tonight. Normal users will not be affected by these changes. If your bot requires exemptions, please contact us - we can either accommodate you or help fix the bug.

Re: Changes to WAMP to improve performance

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 9:36 pm
by mjgraham
Thanks for all the hard work!
I will admit I was more than likely one of the WAMP thugs, at the start I just made every little program open a new connection then after all the down time I had some time to re-work things just one call and write it to a file and just load that into whatever else might be something others can look into as well.

Thanks Again!