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Pls Help me to mining solo Dogecoin with L3+
Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2017 11:19 am
by marinica1967
i use this:
Worker:my account name
Password:m=solo c=Dogecoin
the pool status: dead
my L3+ did not mine Dogecoin
what is wrong?pls help
ps.sorry for my english,i hope you understand me
Re: Pls Help me to mining solo Dogecoin with L3+
Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2017 11:21 am
by GregoryGHarding
a=scrypt c=dogecoin m=solo g=off
Re: Pls Help me to mining solo Dogecoin with L3+
Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2017 11:25 am
by marinica1967
Re: Pls Help me to mining solo Dogecoin with L3+
Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2017 11:27 am
by marinica1967
didn't work,thx for your quickly response Gregory
Re: Pls Help me to mining solo Dogecoin with L3+
Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2017 11:50 am
by GregoryGHarding
have you tried to alternate connection port? its on help section of website, dont know it off the top of my head
Re: Pls Help me to mining solo Dogecoin with L3+
Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2017 3:11 pm
by Maxumark
I know that your post said please help me to solo mine Dogecoin with a L3+.
But I am curious what your objective is.
If you are trying to accumulate Dogecoin, then just let the pool point your miner to the most profitable coin and just select Dogecoin as your payout coin.
Dogecoin is a mergemined coin and Prohashing has it set to be mergemined along with other scrypt coins.
The Dogecoin hashrate is 17.8 Th/s so its about 70% of the current Litecoin hashrate.
As Dogecoin is a mergedmined coin anyway it may not be able to be set as a solo coin on Prohashing.
If you just let the pool direct your L3+ to the most profitable coin and then pay you in Dogecoins you will get far more Dogecoins that if you just solo-mined Dogecoins.
And hey if you want to sell your L3+ I will pay you 2,600,000 Doge!
Hope I helped!
Re: Pls Help me to mining solo Dogecoin with L3+
Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2017 3:18 pm
by GregoryGHarding
@max i stopped asking those questions and just help them with their question
Re: Pls Help me to mining solo Dogecoin with L3+
Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2017 4:02 pm
by marinica1967
dear max,
i have 10 pcs of l3+,i don't wanna sell them before 15.12.2017 and i wanna try to mining doge with all of them for 24 hours.if i find more then 25 blocks of dogecoin i will be a happy noobe miner.if not i try to find another method to earn more money with my miners!
thx for your response.I learned something from you! i hope the price of dogecoins will rise at 0.0000005 B before 30 september!
try to understand the new miners and their mistakes ,because is no information for them on net.
sorry for my English,hope i don't crush your ears or your eyes!
Re: Pls Help me to mining solo Dogecoin with L3+
Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2017 5:59 pm
by Maxumark
Hi, marinica,
I am very glad that you have joined the crypto community and started mining! It is very good to look for ways to maximize the earnings from your miners.
One of the best ways to earn more money with your miner is to let Prohashing mine the most profitably coin to mine and then get paid out in a coin that you believe will go up in value. I have Prohashing pay me out in over 10 different coins each day. One of them is Doge.
Just because Dogecoin is low priced does not mean that it is easy to mine and get a lot of. Since it is merge-mined with LTC and the Difficulty re-targets every block you will not find 25 blocks in 24 hours with 10 L3+. Statistically with 10 L3+ you should find .321 of a doge block a day with the current Doge hasharte at the moment of 22.39 Th/s. ( This = 44,780 L3+ working on Dogecoin) Your 10 L3+ = .000223314 of the Doge hashrate so it should take about 3 days to find 1 Doge block.
I have solo mined LTC/Doge for over 1 year with more that 2 times your hashpower and even when difficulty was lower the most Doge blocks I ever found in a day was about 12. I have also purchased more miners now and don't solo mine anymore. I follow my own advise and let Prohashing mine the most profitable coin and get paid in coins I believe will go higher soon.
I just tell you this so you don't waste even 1 day of your very good miners earning potential.
Good Luck and Happy Mining!
Re: Pls Help me to mining solo Dogecoin with L3+
Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2017 4:20 am
by marinica1967
thank you max