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Re:Authy token did not transfer to new IPhone X.

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 12:34 pm
by UncleAlien
Hi Steve, As above I bought a new Iphone. well my wallets are ok but after the data transfer to new phone
everything looked cool, the Authy icon was there. So the apple agent reset the old phone,
as all my info could still be accessed. When I went to log in at Prohash I got no Authy code.
The App transfered and the tolken did not. I got the old would you like to create new
Wallet screen. So at this point I have a few days of mining that I can't access am I
Screwed. I'm trying to reset the wallet takes 24 hours and of coarse on that screen they tell me,"my coinbase
Tolken will not tranfer and no guarentee any tolken will be restored
Wonderful. I am still connected to the pool. Happy New Year.
Thank you,
JPMiller :twisted:

Re: Re:Authy token did not transfer to new IPhone X.

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 1:17 pm
by AppleMiner
When you setup your 2FA, you need to print out and save a copy of each of the dot code pictures you have to scan in.
And store them in a safety deposit box or fire safe. That way if a phone gets lost, or destroyed, you can scan the codes back in on a new device and get the new updated codes to re-access your accounts again.

If all you do is scan them in and not save copies, not sure the accounts can ever be recovered. 2FA is a double edged sword.
Careful you dont get cut.

Re: Re:Authy token did not transfer to new IPhone X.

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 2:14 pm
by UncleAlien
thanks appleminer, I did backup to the authy app. on their site, so I hope in 24 hrs.
they have some good news. in the future I will follow your advice.